4 Myth Balance Busters + 4 Simple Balance Moves

These days when we talk about ‘balance’ we normally think of these:

  • Balanced mind and wellbeing,
  • work-life balance,
  • balanced payments and financial statements
  • balanced life!

But rarely do we talk and think about Balance in terms of Exercise unless you’re in the fitness industry.

Most often than not, we only think about Balance when we experience an off-balance incident in our life or in a loved one’s life. We hear of an elderly relative falling in the bathroom or tripping while taking a daily stroll because of ‘loss of balance’. And it’s only then that we associate ‘loss of balance’ with the elderly and more senior members of our family, and hardly relate it to ourselves and our current stage in life.

Let’s bust some myths about Balance Exercises.

Myth #1: Balance Exercises should be done by the seniors/ elderly folk. This is actually the worst Myth ever! It should be practiced at least with every type of exercise, no matter what age.  If left unchecked our center of gravity weakens as we age because we don’t get to practice balance as often as we used to like when we were kids. Kids play and run and swing, slide and tumble etc. We used to do these, remember?

Myth #2: Balance Exercise is only from Yoga. Although yoga is based on all things Balanced — the very principle of yoga is Balance (in mind, body, and spirit), having balance exercises in any workout routine is strongly recommended – not just in Pilates or Yoga. You don’t need to be a yogi to be able to practice balance exercises. There are simple balance exercises that strengthen our small muscles, ligaments, and joints. Not to mention strengthens our mental focus and left-right brain connection.

Myth #3: Strength Training is better than Balance Exercise.  There really isn’t one-is-better-than-the-other when it comes to which is better. They go hand-in-hand, actually. Do you think a heavy-weight bodybuilder can carry 100’s of pounds without having balance? Do you think a yogi can do a headstand without strength in muscles? Nope, we don’t think so either. They work together and beget each other — just look at a child learning to crawl, walk, run. Strength and balance work together.

Myth #4: Balance Exercises are boring and not challenging. On the contrary, because we hardly input balance exercises in our regular workout, we seldom even think about how its simplicity is actually complex and challenging. Especially for challenging for our mental focus, brain-to-muscle awareness, and even our breathing. They actually help in developing a meditative mind. Self-awareness / Muscle awareness is one of the benefits of balance exercises.

4 Simple Power Moves To Improve Your Balance (Even As You Age!)

Here we share with you 4 Simple Moves you can do daily or incorporate in your workout.  Just adjust the level of difficulty against your fitness level or capability.   These 4 Simple Moves will guarantee to make you stronger, prevent you from injury and give you the power you need for your daily tasks such as carrying heavy stuff like grocery;  catch your balance in case you trip while walking on slippery roads; climb several flights of stairs, etc.


FYFG Balance Exercise Tips:

  1.  Balance exercises can be either as warm-up/cool down or even part of your workout routine.
  2. Try them with light weights for more advance level, or
  3. Hold for longer counts on each side. You’ll feel the burn in your muscles, yet with the clarity of mind after, guaranteed!
  4. Keep breathing! Don’t hold your breath — focus on steady inhalations and exhalations
  5. Maintain alignment for stability, knowns as ‘Stacking’. Stack your joints in alignment will create a sense of stability and strength.
  6. Focus on lengthening your spine to improve posture, breathing and strengthening core muscles. Avoid caving in or curling up your spine.


Balance Exercises make daily activities easier and with less injury, such as picking up an item from the floor to carry overhead. Everyday activities as simple as stepping out of the shower or on a wet floor need our body to be balanced. As we practice balance exercises we also strengthen our mindfulness, our brain-to-muscle awareness, and our overall mental wellbeing.

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  • Board Certified Anesthesiologist
  • Self-trained, Pre-Diabetes and Type-2 Diabetes Reversal Nutrition Coach
  • Functional Nutritional Coach, in training.
  • Co-Founder, TMB Wellness
Where to Connect Facebook: @Doc Peachy Marchadesch Website: tmbwellness.com Instagram: @doc_peachy_m Twitter: @DocPeachyM