Is This For Us?

Empowering the women in the workplace to be vital contributors to your company

Is the FIERCE approach for our team? Here are questions to help you assess:

  • Do I have key members of my team that are women?
  • Would I want the women in my team to remain happy and productive?
  • Would I like to keep my team in good health and be the best version of themselves?

Empowered Women in Your Team Are

  • Focused and productive during their work hours
  • Actively participate and contribute to company meetings/ forums, and positive company culture
  • Less susceptible to illnesses; less sick-leaves
  • Have healthy, productive relationships with their colleagues
  • Active individuals outside of my company, appreciating the experiences of their age

If you answered YES to more than one of the above, then YOUR TEAM of women deserve our FierceHer Coaching!

One on One Coaching Registration Form
  • Board Certified Anesthesiologist
  • Self-trained, Pre-Diabetes and Type-2 Diabetes Reversal Nutrition Coach
  • Functional Nutritional Coach, in training.
  • Co-Founder, TMB Wellness
Where to Connect Facebook: @Doc Peachy Marchadesch Website: Instagram: @doc_peachy_m Twitter: @DocPeachyM