She is Fierce! Featuring Madie Dinglasan: A Game Changer

FYFG had an enjoyable time interviewing Madie Dinglasan, The Philippine’s first POUND Brand Ambassador.  She spoke about her beginnings and building the community of POUND in the Philippines.

We invite you to watch and listen as Madie tells her story of transformation from being an alcoholic, overcoming perceptions, and finding her purpose through POUND. She continues to inspire other women through her teaching and mentorship.

Change is tough. But we need it.

Madie knew she needed a change in her life. And she opened herself to it and went for it.  At the end of it, she transformed herself.  With loving support from her husband, she sought to go beyond her comfort zone to make a change in her life. For Madie, making this tough decision to be a better person for herself was a “Do or Die” situation. Accepting change was motivated by overcoming alcohol addiction. And the only way to do that was through exercise. Her body needed to heal itself from alcohol to be able to keep up. As you see in the interview, she is truly FIERCE.

Let’s admit it, not many of us jump for joy when we encounter a change in our life. Who among us actually looked forward to changing in our already smooth-going life?  But somehow we know change happens. It is what makes life keep going.

Why would anyone want to change? Let’s seek the good things why:

  1. for improvement, for progress
  2. to seek for new solutions; challenging the mind
  3. refresh of ideas, new perspective
  4. to ‘undo’ the past and create a different path for the future

Whatever it is.. we know that change comes in all forms and sizes — it can be the tiniest adjustment in a seemingly rigid situation, to a total over-haul life situation. But it always, ALWAYS, leaves us stronger, more determined, more mature and in a way,  transformed somehow.

 From the Exercise Perspective

Consider varying your exercise routines for these reasons:

  1.  prevent boredom from doing the same workout day after day
  2. avoid or delay reaching a ‘plateau’ in attaining results
  3.  improve endurance, stamina, power
  4. sharpen mental focus as different muscles, coordination or movements are done
  5. help stay physically challenged

Many of the body’s physiological systems (e.g., the muscular system) adapt to an exercise program within about six to eight weeks. If exercise routines are not modified, results reach a plateau because the body has adapted to the repetitive training stimulus.

This means, as Madie suggests in the interview, it’s good to have a variety of exercises in a week. There are several ways you can spice up your workout schedule.

  • boost with intensity – incorporate some intervals that increase heart rate.
  • cross-train – perform different activities to challenge your body
  • change weight-lifting routine – mix-match or change the sequence in which you do the exercises
  • work ‘stacking or pyramid’ or “work to fatigue” – alternating the number of reps /sets requires your muscles to adapt.

Having Stretching / Yoga exercises in your weekly routine is important too. Schedule a Rest and Recovery day(s). This is critical as rest allows your muscles to rebuild lean.

Although it isn’t necessarily a bad thing to keep the same exact workout, day in and day out. However, after 4-6 weeks, you won’t be getting the same results (specifically weight loss/ inches lost) as what you had at the beginning. Your body is smart. It will adapt and will reach a plateau. If you’re the type of person who doesn’t mind this, then keep it up! Being active every day beats doing nothing.

Imagine If

Like, Madie, you could have that change and turn yourself around, and be better today than yesterday. Embrace it and keep going!  Change isn’t a bad thing. It’s what makes us better every day. As Madie says, “Only you can make a better life for yourself…Be a Game Changer – make things happen.”

In the light of fitness, by varying your exercise routines, keeping active at least 4x a week, you can be physically challenged but mentally stimulated as well. And who wouldn’t find this FIERCE?

Interested to reach out and try POUND? You can find Madie Dinglasan on IG @madsquad_fitness_wellness

Other reading sources:








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  • Board Certified Anesthesiologist
  • Self-trained, Pre-Diabetes and Type-2 Diabetes Reversal Nutrition Coach
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