Can Food Really Balance Our Hormones?

Did you know that as women, we undergo hormonal changes as early as pre-puberty age? We go through hormonal changes practically every menstrual cycle. Therefore, for the majority of women, the menstrual cycle isn’t a welcome time. Symptoms such as PMS, migraines, acne, loose bowel, dysmenorrhea crop up, and the list continues. Thus, the easiest thing we do is pop in a pain-killer. But rarely do we consider the food we eat as a cure (or cause) to hormonal imbalance.  Research study and new science show that FOOD plays a major role in helping with balancing women’s hormones.

How do I know if I have a Hormonal Imbalance?

Before we learn what foods to help, we first need to know what other symptoms show hormonal imbalance? Here’s a more detailed list, sourced from 

  • Irregular periods
  • insomnia due to change in circadian rhythm, poor sleep
  • acne
  • brain fog, mental and cognitive health challenges
  • digestive problems
  • fatigue
  • mood swings
  • increased hunger and cravings
  • more headaches and/or migraines
  • vaginal dryness
  • low libido
  • infertility
  • breast changes
  • endocrine gland imbalance (TSH level)
  • Abnormal calcium level
  • unstable blood sugar
  • skin aging
  • thinning bones/osteoporosis
  • changes in weight distribution

Many of these symptoms are largely based on our estrogen, progesterone, cortisol levels. For more information on estrogen, check out our article here.

Consult with your medical doctor especially if you experience a majority of these, especially breast, changes in mental and cognitive health, and infertility. A hormone blood test will definitely give you a better picture.

How can food help?

Eat Clean (photo by Coach Mia)

Here in FYFG, we always believe that Food plays a vital role in our healing. What we eat affects the production of hormones and the way we function.

Consuming the 3 Macros – Healthy Fat, Fiber Carbs, and Lean Protein in the right proportions has important benefits for balancing our hormones. 

Let’s take a look at each of them.

  • Healthy fats  –  essential fatty acids like Omega 3 for healthy cells, absorption of essential vitamins K, A, D, EPA/DHA, because there are hormones triggered /produced in the brain, plus it reduces insulin resistance
  • Fiber  – for gut health, because many hormones are produced/triggered by the digestive system (our 2nd brain)
  • Quality lean proteins – for healthy cell building blocks, controls and balances hunger hormones, helps increase metabolism

As Melissa Groves, hormone and fertility dietitian says: “Our hormones like healthy fats, like olive oil, avocado, nuts, and seeds, as well as ample fiber from fruits and vegetables and quality proteins like eggs, fish, and meat”

Coach Mia shares her own experience with hormonal imbalance and how food has helped heal her. Check Coach Mia’s article and video here.

We suggested 7 whole foods that help balance hormones. Let’s take a look at the reasons why.

  1. Soy – Tofu, Edamame
    • comparable in quality to eggs and meat
    • contain phytoestrogen (plant estrogen) similar to human estrogen, but weaker. This helps in balancing estrogen hormones.
  2. Garlic – fresh or pickled
    • known for its anti-inflammatory properties
    • excellent source of pre-biotics that manage healthy gut microbiome
  3. Spinach
    • excellent source of Magnesium – essential mineral for lowering the stress hormone, improves sleep quality, muscle and bone health
    • helps the liver metabolize estrogen which increases collagen, for healthy hair skin and joints.
  4. Quinoa
    • source of fiber for gut health
    • source of plant protein for lowering metabolic dysfunction and helps balance insulin levels and androgen hormone
  5. Turmeric
    • healing properties such as anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and liver detoxification
  6. Brocolli
    • breaks down estrogen to be fully utilized, helping balance sex hormones


Imagine if

Our hormones are involved in every aspect of our health. We need them to be balanced, in very specific amounts for our body to function well. Hence, if we continue to have a chronic hormonal imbalance, we may have a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems.

However, imagine if you begin consuming nutritious foods that help with your healing, avoiding processed and refined sugary foods, exercising on a regular basis, and engaging in other healthy habits, do you think you can go a long way toward improving your hormonal health? Most definitely! Consider assessing the food and hormonal imbalance relationship of your body.

Although we can’t stop the fact that we are all aging, however, these are FIERCE factors that we should consider to help maintain our hormones and for us to function optimally.



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  • Board Certified Anesthesiologist
  • Self-trained, Pre-Diabetes and Type-2 Diabetes Reversal Nutrition Coach
  • Functional Nutritional Coach, in training.
  • Co-Founder, TMB Wellness
Where to Connect Facebook: @Doc Peachy Marchadesch Website: Instagram: @doc_peachy_m Twitter: @DocPeachyM