Doing Simple Squats To Age Strong

As women, mothers, and wives, it’s likely that our topmost priority is to keep the home and household running in tip-top shape. And that could mean having to go do the grocery, manage the household staff, or even do the chores and errands. Some women even run their own businesses.  Many women also have returned to working at the office, and the time spent with the family has become limited. How does doing simple squats get me to keep up with my top priority: my family, my home?

The thought of exercising could be near extinct for many women. Let’s be real. Not many of us women actually step inside a gym to workout. Not many of us even think about doing one at home. Furthermore, we tend to forget that all the physical activity we do on a daily basis needs power and strength for them to get accomplished. We may have taken for granted the simple act of getting up from a chair and walking needs power and strength. We explain why the functional exercise of doing simple squats can actually help us age strong.

Simple Squats isn’t just lower body

We may call it the “simple squat’ but it needs actually works other body parts — glutes, hamstrings, core/abs, lower back. So if you’re looking to trim down your tummy, or lose the saddle-bag thighs, try doing squats more often in your day. It was found that doing 10-15 squats 3x a day has some benefits.  Core and glute muscles gain strength and tone. And when your core gets toned, your lower back problems disappear.

Simple Squats for Stability and Balance

woman wearing white sweater carrying a daughter

A mother squats to whisper to her daughter (image by

Doing squats also practices stability and balance. Activities or chores that require you to lift something (or your child) off the floor, you’re called to do a squat to protect your lower back. This is particularly true for many women who have poor lower back strength or who suffer from back pain. Bending down through the knees rather than hinging at the hips helps protects our lower back. Lifting something heavy calls for balance and stability — both found in our core and legs. So lifting that full load of laundry basket off the floor to take outside to dry does need that functional exercise: the simple squat!  Carrying your young grandchild calls for stability and balance..and strength!

man and two children on grass field

Mom squatting to play with her children

Simple Squats for Boosting Metabolism

Ladies, we know how tough being home-bound can be on our bodies–it’s got nowhere to go and has food being so accessible (a few steps to the kitchen, or a quick dial-up to Food Panda)! We hear you, being home-bound can lead to weight gain. And at about the age of 30, it’s natural that our metabolism begins to slow down. And it will keep slowing down without a good sweat 3x a week. Yes, we need Physical Exercise and not just Physical Activity. Having the squat as part of a quick 7-min exercise works more muscles as mentioned above. And working out more muscles helps increase our metabolism. Our metabolism is also closely related to our lean muscle mass (or lack of it). Fat slows down our metabolism.. and a slow metabolism triggers fat storage. It’s a killer cycle if you ask us!  Simply including squats, a compound exercise that works more muscle groups gets you to burn fat faster, boosting metabolism. 

FYFG’s Squat Video


Imagine If

We each have our own top priorities in life. Yet like many women, FYFG has family and balanced work-home life as top priorities. We want to live a long happy life with our loved ones. We definitely want a quality of life. Ironically, the way to get this is to focus on ourselves. Because let’s be real.. would we want a life wherein we are full of vitality? Absolutely! But getting there means starting now– on the things that will keep us going, keep us strong, and age well. And that means adding in Physical Exercise as a priority. Functional exercises such as a simple squat give us more than just strong legs, shapely glutes, or abs.  It boosts our metabolism, burns fat. Not only that, exercise rebalances hormones and improves our mood. We get to do daily activities with ease. We get to enjoy out-of-town trips like a hike up a mountain trail, or a swim/bike at the beach. We’re able to get up from a chair and stand with ease. Enjoying our independence, our ability to be mobile and agile now can still happen well into our 80’s!

Know more about Goldnwarrior the exercise arm of FYFG: GW Functional Workouts

Join us in our GoldnWarrior Workouts 2x a week Wednesdays and Fridays. Connect with IG@GoldnWarrior_Fitness

If you want to know more about how FYFG wellness programs incorporate Exercise as part of our program, leave us a comment or schedule a 1-1 call with us!


Here’s the bonus workout from GoldWarrior!

Here are 6 Easy Total Body Moves you can immediately do either :
*Count Repetitions and Sets: Do 10-15reps for each move x 2sets initially and build up from there.
* or Count By Time: work for 20 seconds, then rest for 15sec for each move. As soon as you complete the 6 Moves that’s one set. Aim for 2 -3 sets if. you are starting out.
1. Jumping Jacks
2. Squats
3. High Knees (no jump)
4. Table Top
5. Beginner’s Push-Ups
6. Crunches

Tag us if you started your routine. We are be cheering for you!

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  • Board Certified Anesthesiologist
  • Self-trained, Pre-Diabetes and Type-2 Diabetes Reversal Nutrition Coach
  • Functional Nutritional Coach, in training.
  • Co-Founder, TMB Wellness
Where to Connect Facebook: @Doc Peachy Marchadesch Website: Instagram: @doc_peachy_m Twitter: @DocPeachyM