FIERCE10 Healthy Finger Foods!

The Christmas Holidays are coming quickly! Get ready to FIERCIFY Your Holiday! We’ve got our FIERCE 10: Top 10 Healthy Finger Foods (it’s got to be Healthy, of course!) for the Holidays! 

We know preparing for the Christmas Season can be daunting and be a source of stress. More so, on what to serve for a small cocktail party/pot-luck or even an unexpected late-afternoon gathering at home, and still celebrate health. Here are Coach Mia’s and Coach Bunny’s Top FIERCE 10: Healthy Finger Foods for the Holidays.

Healthy Finger Food: Our FIERCE 10

Dips and Spreads


1. Coach Mia’s Vegan Cheese Dip  – great on top of nachos!  Use whole-wheat toasted tortillas/ baked corn tortillas, chopped fresh tomatoes, cucumber, red onions, bell peppers, red/white beans, avocado..

2.  Tzatziki (Greek Cucumber Yogurt spread) with vegetable sticks, toasted whole wheat tortillas or whole-wheat toast, or roasted bell peppers. Tzatziki is a 1-bowl-recipe and so easy to whip up. It stays in the fridge for up to 4-5days. Wonderful served as a spread on smoked salmon too! 

3. Coach Mia’s Pesto  – great to spread on toast or used as a dip for vegetable sticks. This pesto is also good as a spread on sourdough toast topped with strawberries and fresh fruit. 

4. Hummus – Don’t have Tahini? No problem! This recipe has a ‘secret ingredient’. It’s quick and easy, especially when Tahini is hard to find and purchase. This has lots of good plant protein from the lentils. Serve with toasted whole wheat bread or tortillas, with vegetable sticks, or with Coach Bunny’s Protein Cheese Crackers. 


5. Cocktail Skewers: cubed Aged hard cheddar cheese + olive + pickled onion/ baby pickle + rolled up ½ slice turkey ham. Kids will have fun preparing these; it helps with family bonding this holiday season. 

6. Coach Bunny’s Sweet- Spicy Nuts – Select unsalted (cooked) dried nuts of your choice (again, a variety of nuts is best to get a variety of their health benefits),  Your guests will love this, especially if you serve this with our low-calorie FIERCE signature Cocktail Drink! Nuts are a good source of healthy fats, some protein, and good fiber! 

7. Whole Wheat Tortilla Pinwheels – Use large (10-inch) whole-wheat tortillas, thinly spread your choice of spread (Coach Mia’s Pesto/ Vegan Cheese Sauce/ Tzatziki/ Hummus/cottage cheese), sprinkle your choice of toppings (chopped olives/ roasted bell peppers/shredded chicken/basil/cucumber/spinach, nori, etc), and tightly roll. Refrigerate for at least 20 min before slicing and serving. 

8. Coach Mia’s Baked Spiced Sweet Potato Fries –  This is not your regular sweet potato fries; it’s got lots of flavors, herbs, and spices! Plus, baking in the oven makes a better alternative to deep frying in oil. Sweet potato has more fiber and nutrients than your regular potatoes, protein included!

9. Coach Bunny’s Protein Cheese Crackers   – this is great with a sprinkling of chia seeds or sesame seeds rolled into the dough just before baking. Best to make 2 batches of the recipe, because once baked, they go quickly, the kids will love them too! 

10. Roasted Garlic and Bell Peppers on Sourdough toast  – Use a variety of colored bell peppers, to bring out a festive look. Not only do they look pretty, but each color also carries its own different sweetness, antioxidants, and nutrients! Spray with olive oil to avoid it from getting too oily. Lightly seasoned with salt and pepper and paprika to maintain its sweetness.

Want to get the full recipes of our FIERCE10 Healthy Finger Food, from this article? We’ve got them in our FindYourFierceGlobalCommunity Resources subscription. Head on over BE A MEMBER and SUBSCRIBE (link below) 




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  • Board Certified Anesthesiologist
  • Self-trained, Pre-Diabetes and Type-2 Diabetes Reversal Nutrition Coach
  • Functional Nutritional Coach, in training.
  • Co-Founder, TMB Wellness
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