Food is Information: Why We Love Chia Seeds

Food is Information

Food is information. This is one of FYFG’s beliefs. Do you know that every time we eat, the food we take is the source of information that our body will react to and respond to? Food can actually change the expression of our DNA? Yes, it’s a fact. That is why we sometimes feel sluggish or energetic when we eat certain foods.  Our body cells either rebuild or age depending on how we feed ourselves. Have you taken thought of what the food you eat can nourish you?

Let’s take a closer look at an FYFG favorite: Chia Seeds! 

Why We Love Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have a long list of healthy benefits, but here are our top 6 reasons.

1. They’re Simple To Use.

Chia seeds can be used as toppings in themselves. Because they have the ability to gel and thicken when mixed with liquids, they serve as a quick base for puddings and thicken fruit shakes, overnight oats, and other baked goodies, and thereby adding nutrient-rich qualities.  Chia seeds can also be used as an egg substitute when mixed with water in baking and vegan recipes.

2. Packed with all Macronutrients.

Chia seeds contain Macronutrients of Protein, (Healthy)Fat and (Fiber)Carbohydrate. It’s is a complete food in this sense.  By weight, they are 6% water, 46% carbohydrates (of which 83% is fiber), 34% fat (Omega-3 and Omega-6), and 19% protein. 28grams of Chia seeds is equivalent to 5.6grams of protein, 11grams of Fiber (Carbohydrate).

3. The Micronutrients are plentiful.

Vitamins and minerals help regulate and maintain healthy gene expression. Chia seeds contain:

  • Calcium, which helps with bones and muscle function. Calcium aids in the blood vessels and nerve health. It also plays a role in balancing hormones.
  • Magnesium, which improves moods and sleep. Magnesium also supports healthy levels of stress hormones.
  • Manganese, a mineral that aids in collagen production and promotes skin and bone health.
  • Phosphorus, which helps in the structure of healthy cells. Phosphorus with Calcium targets bone health.
  • B Vitamins help support energy production.
  • Potassium functions in heart health, muscle contractions and spasms, and nerve and brain health.
  • Zinc is known for supporting immune health and helps regulate appetite.

4. Fuels you until your next meal.

Chia seeds are Protein-rich and support healthy weight loss. Because of their gel-like texture and fiber-rich properties, they have the ability to suppress hunger. Chia seeds have the ability to soak up 12x their weight in fluid, and their thickness helps with satiety. The thicker they get, the feeling of fullness and satiety is greater, as well as a good source of energy.

5. Low in Glycemic-Index, which means it won’t spike insulin.

Fiber-rich Chia seeds help stabilize post-meal sugar levels and improves insulin insensitivity. This simply means we get steadier, sustained energy. Chia seeds have a greater ability to breakdown glucose into slow-release carbohydrates. We feel satiated for longer periods and insulin levels are maintained low. We get into a fat-burning state much faster when the insulin level is low and maintained.

6. Plant-based Essential Fatty Acid.

Chia seeds are naturally gluten-free and are considered one of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. The plant-based fatty acid is also called Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA). ALA has natural anti-inflammation properties. Its anti-inflammation effect supports skin health, anti-aging, and protects the heart. Chia seeds are therefore considered one of the best ways to increase ‘good’ HDL cholesterol and lower ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol.

Other Healthy benefits of the ingredients and toppings

  • Almond milk:  low calorie, gluten-free, plant-based source of calcium and Vitamin E and protein;
  • Coconut milk:  a source of healthy fat, low calorie, low glycemic-index, high calcium source;
  • Walnuts:  essential fatty acids, omega-3, selenium, calcium, zinc, vitamin E and some B Vitamins;
  • Almond nuts: contains fiber, calcium, protein, potassium, Vitamin E and riboflavin;
  • Blueberries: antioxidant-rich, anti-aging, anti-cancer, Vitamin C and K, manganese, and fiber;
  • Bananas: contains Vitamin B6, manganese, Vitamin C, potassium, fiber, folate, magnesium;
  • Strawberries: Rich in antioxidants, potassium, protein, fiber, magnesium folate;


Chia seeds have a variety and long list of health benefits, ranging from skin, heart, brain, and bone health. We recommend having chia seeds as a healthy addition to a balanced diet.

Precaution: Do not take dry chia seeds into your mouth followed by water. This may cause a choking hazard. Instead, mix chia seeds in liquid 5-10 minutes before taking for full benefits.

Our Chia Seed Breakfast Bowl Recipe

Chia Seed Breakfast Bowl

Coach Mia
Easy to prepare breakfast bowl that's fiber and protein-rich
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 1 day
Course Breakfast
Servings 2 people


Chia Base:

  • 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp Chia seeds

Toppings in this photo:

  • 1/4 banana, sliced
  • Strawberries, sliced
  • Blueberries
  • Walnuts, roughly chopped
  • Almond nuts, roughly chopped


  • Mix all chia base ingredients in a bowl, cover and refrigerate at least overnight


  • When ready to eat, add healthy toppings


This Chia base is versatile and can be topped with a variety of items. Be creative! Fresh or Frozen fruits are great as healthy toppings! Top with your choice of nuts and/ or seeds too! 
With the sweetness and flavor of the nuts and fruits, no need to add additional sweeteners. 
Chia base stays fresh in the fridge for up to 2 days. 
Keyword chia seeds, unsweetened almond milk, plant-based, breakfast, easy to prepare, high protein, low glycemic, high fiber


One on One Coaching Registration Form
  • Board Certified Anesthesiologist
  • Self-trained, Pre-Diabetes and Type-2 Diabetes Reversal Nutrition Coach
  • Functional Nutritional Coach, in training.
  • Co-Founder, TMB Wellness
Where to Connect Facebook: @Doc Peachy Marchadesch Website: Instagram: @doc_peachy_m Twitter: @DocPeachyM