The GoldnWarrior (GW) Initiative

Have you heard? FYFG has its own Exercise program called the GoldnWarrior (GW) Warrior Workout for ladies. It’s creating steam, burning fat, and gaining power and strength, and we’re excited to talk about it today!

Workout With Us!

Our Purpose

Here in FYFG, we follow a framework that adheres to our principles of aging well and living fiercely. Our framework follows our FIERCE acronym:

  • F – Food
  • I – Insides/ gut
  • E – Exercise
  • R – Right mindset
  • C – Correct hormones
  • E – Environment/ Self-care

So, why focus on Exercise? Having had coached women over the years, Coach Mia and Coach Bunny both realized that Exercise has become ‘top of mind’ to women when it comes to ‘life-changing habits’. Many women take on the challenge of having an exercise routine quite quickly versus the challenge of changing food and eating habits. Thus, it isn’t a surprise that many women come into a healthier lifestyle through exercise first and foremost. An Exercise routine helps maintain that habit of commitment and the desire to keep fit and healthy. Our existing clientele of women would naturally ask where to find/source, or which type of, exercise to do. And so it was only natural to create FYFG’s own exercise program under the banner of GoldnWarrior.


Coach Mia recently joined a US-based certification program, National Council for Strength & Fitness as part of her continuing self-development. As part of her certification, it was required of her to lead actual programs. Indeed it was a timely occasion to create a workout class and open the course to women. And, with Coach Bunny’s yoga certification in Children’s and Mum and Baby Yoga, it was easy to support GoldnWarrior’s workout programs. FYFG believes in balanced exercise–strength training, cardio/aerobic, mobility, and flexibility. Therefore, each session is partnered with yoga-based stretches and individual stretch programs.

What it’s like

GW Warrior Workouts are all online, LIVE, coached, and personally guided by Coach Mia and Coach Bunny. They also do the exercises along with you. You get live, real-time coaching, and motivation. The workouts are based on a Circuit format. A Circuit Format is generally a number of exercise movements done with 20-30second rest in between exercise movements. It’s basically a High-Intensity-Interval Training. The exercise movements differ from each other — it is not a single, repeated Exercise movement. Circuit targets total body. Stability, power, mobility, and flexibility movements are incorporated into every session. Each month, Coach Mia sets up a challenge and mixes up the routine that gives variety to the workout. There is a progression in form and intensity every week, so you know you’re improving and progressing too! 

Check out the GW’s Page here 

It isn’t just exercise

You’ve probably heard it before: Exercise does more for your body than just weight management. It’s true. We at FYFG believe this 100%. Exercise takes up only 15% of our FIERCE Wheel when it comes to overall wellbeing. (see diagram) However, in that 15% of Exercise plays a very important role in how our body functions, for the long term. Let’s take a look at the long term benefits of regular physical exercise, as enumerated by the

  • up to 35-50% lower risk of the following:
  • a 30% lower risk of early death
  • up to 68-83% lower risk of osteoarthritis and hip fracture
  • a 30% lower risk of falls (among older adults)
  • and up to a 30% lower risk of neuro-related illness such as depression and dementia

When regular physical exercise is maintained, it affects other aspects of your life.

  1. It becomes Me-Time/ Self-Care. Taking steps to improve your strength, maintain or build muscle, core balance, improve your cardio, stability, etc has become a matter of self-care.
  2. It improves a positive mindset. Because exercise affects our body’s chemical reaction, it triggers hormones and neurochemicals that affect our brain’s health and mood.
  3. Regains hormonal balance. Women’s hormones such as estrogen, progesterone are positively affected by exercise. Having these hormones in balance play a major role in our peri and menopausal symptoms.
  4. Drives the desire to eat healthily. Any form of exercise demands performance and therefore drives the search for maintaining through food and nutrition. Performance is greatly dependent on how our body is fueled and nourished.

It is a Community

Awesome Warriors

GoldnWarrior (GW)  has become a small community of ladies who seek health beginning with an exercise — just email us at: find your We’re building a community of ladies who seek better versions of themselves, who want to age well and strong, and who are fierce in living a life they want.

Imagine If

Imagine if you have a workout routine that will jumpstart your fitness journey, that has a supportive community of ladies who are like-minded in the aspect of exercise and wellness. And these ladies are there doing exercise along with you. What kind of energy do you think you’ll be experiencing in a shared community? Would you get the same motivation vs. working out alone? Would you get the results you’re looking for? We believe so! Come and join us in this GoldnWarrior initiative! JOIN US NOW! Head over to GW Page to know more! If you plan to start your fitness journey — watch this!

One on One Coaching Registration Form
  • Board Certified Anesthesiologist
  • Self-trained, Pre-Diabetes and Type-2 Diabetes Reversal Nutrition Coach
  • Functional Nutritional Coach, in training.
  • Co-Founder, TMB Wellness
Where to Connect Facebook: @Doc Peachy Marchadesch Website: Instagram: @doc_peachy_m Twitter: @DocPeachyM