In Between: A Mid-Year Reflection Guide by Gelsie Riel Tacata

We are halfway through the year now. How are you doing so far?

We all have gone through quite a lot the past year with the pandemic halting our plans and changing our daily routines, forcing us to pause and re-assess our lives.

But what happens now that we are in the midst of the “new normal”?

What happens in between?

Yes, 2020 wasn’t all that we expected and the future may still be unclear. The unexpected and the uncertain may just be a good time to check in with where you are right now and re-align your goals, when necessary.

And so, let’s take a deep breath; bring out your journal to write down your thoughts and clarify your goals through this quick reflection guide.


First, give yourself an enormous hug and a pat on the back. It’s not just about reviewing and setting your goals for the rest of the year. More importantly, it is celebrating everything you have accomplished so far.

Where have you been successful?

  Make a list of three (or more!) of your accomplishments for the first half of the year.

What positive changes have you made for yourself that you are proud of?

  Recognize what went right and give yourself some credit.

Next, let’s take a look at what’s not working for you.

What challenges are you dealing with right now?

Is there something you need? What do you want?

What is your next step?

   Taking some time to write down what isn’t working for you and the challenges you’re faced with may bring clarity to what you need to cut back on or may want to curb.


Now that you have celebrated your gains and committed to cinch the glitches, let us look back at the goals you have set during the start of the year to make sure these are still aligned with the relationships you want to nurture, the work you want to create, and the life you want to live.

Are there any goals that you want to change? 

What opportunities are knocking on your door?

Is there anything that is holding you back? Something that is time to give up?

What is the time to invite into your life? When is the time to start?

Making an honest mid-year reflection of how much you have grown in the past months and re-evaluating your goals enable you to be more intentional in your actions.


Lastly, keep still and be present in the moment. 

Focus on the good and positive things in your life right now. 

What are you most grateful for?

What moves you forward?

   Take the time to acknowledge your strengths and appreciate who you have become. Accept yourself without any judgment.

It is never too late to start over. 

Every day is an opportunity to begin again.

About our Guest Blogger

Gelsie Riel Tacata, a wife, and mother of 2 teenagers, currently resides in Jakarta, Indonesia. She is an educator by profession, yet has found herself expanding into personal coaching. She is a Certified POINTS OF YOU®  Explorer, Level 1, and has completed Level 2 – POINTS OF YOU® Academy.  

Her personal journey to rediscover herself led her to an “unexpected but precise” encounter with POINTS OF YOU®. With her belief that every day is an opportunity to start over, whether towards improving ourselves or our relationship with others, she has developed her own personal coaching platform, using the tools and methodology of POINTS OF YOU®.  Her intention to share her learnings and invite others to walk with her in this journey has led her to establish #beginagainwithgelsie. 

Gelsie conducts a monthly BeginAgainWithGelsie session. You can reach Gelsie through  IG @beginagainwithgelsie, or through FB Let’s Begin Again

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