Hello there! Are you still in “survival” mode or have you surpassed that and have found your “new normal?” The recent Covid19 Pandemic has set us in our homes for much longer than we expected. We don’t know how much longer the stay-at-home regulations will be for. It isn’t easy for some of us to stay within the confines of our homes, with the uncertainty of the future. This uncertainty definitely adds to stress and anxiety, causing sleepless nights and restlessness. It affects poor mood and depression.
Why Meditate?
Because of these uncertain times, you may have noticed on various social media platforms that Self-Care has become one of the forefront priorities now. Meditation has become one of them. Why all the hype about it? Another way of describing Meditation is “passive awareness”. We learn to focus inward– our breathing, our thoughts– rather than be swayed by what goes outside and around us. We also learn to listen to our inner mind and find calm rather than be reactionary to the ‘unnecessary noise’ of others. Here are Coach Mia’s reasons for Meditation:
- Helps with mental focus and concentration
- Builds Mindfulness
- Helps manage stress, calms the mind
- improves mood,
We’re sharing here an FYFG video of Coach Mia’s 5 Meditation Myths Debunked.
Myths Debunked
Myth #1: Meditate in a quiet space.
Debunked: We can’t always find a ‘quiet space’ at home, especially since the lockdown and stay-at-home, with kids, spouse, pets around. Studies have shown that meditating in place with daily noise actually helps strengthen mental focus and concentration.
Myth #2: Meditate sitting down.
Debunked: You will find in yoga various ways to meditate. However, sitting still for 5-10 minutes can be a turn-off for many people. It takes time, effort, and skill to keep still through meditation. If you’re new to meditation and sitting still creates anxiety, then take a powerwalk outside (if Covid19 regulations allow it). Powerwalking while focusing on your breathing is mentally stimulating and refreshes and clarifies your mind. Another way and a favorite for many is, a ‘dead man’s pose’ or Shavasana, where you are laying down on your back comfortably.
photo by unspash.com
Myth #3: Same Time, Each Time.
Debunked: Meditative state happens when your mind has reached a frequency between rest and awareness. It is when the mind has remained still yet completely fully awake and aware of your thoughts, creating no judgments. Meditation can be done at any time of day, as many times a day as needed. Straight after getting out of bed or before the day ends. It can be done as part of a post-workout routine, along with stretching. It can also be done while taking a warm bath. Meditation is part of your self-care, your Me-Time. So it can be anytime, at any length as you need it to be.

Myth #4: You need to practice Yoga.
Debunked: As Coach Mia shared with us, she is not a yoga practitioner, yet she enjoys the benefits of meditation. Those who practice yoga on a regular basis have breathing and meditation practice as part of the yoga class. However, Meditation isn’t confined to yoga or to the religious. Meditation can be done by anyone. Studies have shown that even students benefit from just 10min of meditation during certain hours of the school day. Their stress levels lower and mental focus and behavior improve.
Myth #5: Meditate only when you’re stressed
Debunked: Try telling a wailing child to keep quiet only worsens the situation. The same goes for trying to meditate when you’re already stressed. Cortisol, the stress hormone, may already be elevated that forcing the issue to ‘remain calm and sit still’ may further aggravate it. Instead try a powerwalk, read, or take a nap if meditation doesn’t work at the moment. However, practicing meditation daily, even on calm and easy days is recommended. Find time even before any stress triggers arise. “The more I meditate and practice it before I start the day, I can manage stress better.” – Coach Mia.
Imagine if
Coach Mia finds time every day to meditate. It has helped her with her ability to manage the stresses of the day. So imagine you take just 2 minutes of your day, at any time of the day, to meditate. Simply find and focus on your breathing, take even exhales and inhales. Allow your thoughts to arise without judgment. Find that place between restful mind and awareness. Find your inner self, at peace, and calm. Imagine what FIERCE mind and resilience you would have when you practice meditation. No quarantine/ lockdown nor pandemic can ever break your calm.