Low Sex Drive And Your Hormones

Listen up, ladies! Is it true that we are not always up to having sex compared to our younger years? Ever notice why your partner may be wondering what’s going on? So shouldn’t we as well? If you’ve been noticing yourself turning the other way in bed too often when your partner cuddles up, it could be more than just having had ‘a long day’. Long periods of low sex drive can be a sign of imbalanced hormones.

Low Sex Drive

Many women, especially during their peri-menopausal and menopausal stage, experience low sex drive. Not that some women out there complain about it, it’s a topic most women won’t explore and want the hard answers. Why is that? As women, are we somehow resigned to the fact that sex isn’t a major concern of our maturing years? That sex is only important during our child-bearing years? And are we so accepting of the idea that having low libido is part of aging?

Chronic emotional stress brought about by events and circumstances, especially towards the partner, is a major trigger. Going through relationship problems has been the top cause of being non-responsive to a partner. Long-term relationships with poor communication are another major cause. This leads to distrust, frequent arguments, and unresolved conflict in the relationship.

However, for the sake of this article, let’s take it from the perspective of health. More specifically, from a hormone perspective. After all, a reduced sex drive should not be taken as an inevitable part of aging.

Senior Asian couple

Hormone Change, Low Sex Drive?

Sex Hormone: Estrogen

For us, our ever-changing sex hormone levels play a role in our desire for sex.

Let’s consider: Peri-Menopause and Menopause.

Unfortunately for us, these stages in life have such a wide spectrum in years that it’s given as a range: Anywhere from late-30’s, through our 40’s to mid-’50s. Our Estrogen levels fluctuate and drop during the transition to menopause. Because Estrogen is a major Sex Hormone, we become less interested in sex. The drop in estrogen causes dry vaginal tissues, resulting in painful or uncomfortable sex. It’s not that all women stop enjoying satisfying sex during menopause, (and years ahead!), there is a marked decrease in libido during this hormonal change.

To read more on Estrogen and how we can control it, read our article: 4 Hormones We Can Control.

Stress Hormone: Cortisol

Stress, anxiety, and exhaustion can be all-consuming and have a major impact on your happiness, including your sex drive.  – Loss of Libido, NHS.UK

Cortisol is named our Stress Hormone. We experience stress and anxiety differently. Cortisol plays a major role in our ‘fight or flight response’. It greatly affects many other hormones and bodily functions, such as hunger, strength, and power in our muscles (adrenalin), cognition, and even our reproductive system. When cortisol hormone levels are chronically at high levels, it produces a chain effect on our reproductive hormones. Yup, it affects our estrogen!

Read more on Cortisol and how we can control it, read our article: How Stress Affects Our Female Body Differently 

Happy Hormone: Seratonin, Endorphin, Dopamine, Oxytocin

As mentioned earlier, our stress has a direct impact on our happiness. The feeling of happiness is derived from our hormones Seratonin, Dopamine, Endorphin, and Oxytocin.

When one or more of these hormone/ neurotransmitters are not functioning well, our sense of pleasure (and finding pleasure), love (and seeking love and affection), and happiness is greatly affected. Certain medications, especially with anti-depressants, can help balance these, however, some may depress other neurotransmitters and that may lead to loss of interest in sex. Low sex drive can also be a side effect of antidepressants. Speak to your doctor if you think this may be causing your problems.

We speak more of how we can naturally control our happy hormones here.

Imagine If

FYFG believes in balancing hormones, correcting them to maintain lifelong balanced wellness through our years. After all, don’t we all aim to have a long healthy life? Women’s sex drive should not be compromised either. Reduced sex drive should not be taken as an inevitable part of aging, despite many women (and men) experiencing it.

Imagine a life with a healthy sexual relationship with your partner. Both of you, mature in age and yet still enjoying each other’s company, touch, and sexual intimacy. Would it be something worth looking forward to? Seek medical help if you feel you’ve been too long in a sexual dry spell. Don’t be afraid and shy to seek it. The answer may just be in finding balance in your hormones.


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  • Board Certified Anesthesiologist
  • Self-trained, Pre-Diabetes and Type-2 Diabetes Reversal Nutrition Coach
  • Functional Nutritional Coach, in training.
  • Co-Founder, TMB Wellness
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