Hello again! Welcome to another SHE IS FIERCE! post where we highlight women who have interpreted this word in their own way. But first, let’s talk about Gut Health and Yoga. ⠀
Why Gut Health and Yoga?
Here at FYFG, we focus on our Insides– our Gut health. In fact, it’s one of our cornerstone beliefs: The strength of our immunity begins with the health of our gut.
As you may have noticed, we regularly write about food and how it is a key element in having a healthy gut. What we eat greatly affects how we function. And that keeping a healthy gut comes from eating whole food, high-fiber foods.
But today’s article focuses on the ‘not so obvious’ healing element: Exercise. More specifically, YOGA. It’s common knowledge that yoga has many wellness benefits in mind, body, and spirit. However, did you know that many of the yoga poses are healing poses for the digestive system?
Studies have shown that doing yoga exercise in just six weeks can have a positive effect on your gut health and gut microbiome. “New science is showing that exercise may also benefit your gut microbiome – that diverse ecosystem, like an internal garden, living inside of you comprised of symbiotic bacteria that help maintain a healthy digestive system.” – The Happy Gut
Yoga Poses for Gut Healing
The poses come in the form of twists and bend, either seated, standing, supine (lying face upward) or prone (lying face downward). As YogaJournal best put it: “With a combination of deep breathing, stretches that target abdominal organs, and twists that massage and wring out stuck intestinal toxins, this sequence relieves a wide range of digestive discomfort (think: gas, bloating, constipation). And the best part? With better digestion comes more energy”
Here are the top 10 healing yoga poses for the gut:
- Cat-Cow – this post lengthens and compresses your intestines, allowing more fresh oxygen and blood flor to the cells that are responsible for good gut function
- Downward-Facing Dog – this pose allows a slight ‘inversion’ to your digestive system, allowing more oxygen, blood flow, and energy
- Triangle Pose – this asana pose stimulates the central abdominal organs and helps digestion through it’s stretching
- Revolved Triangle Pose – this pose is a compression and twist that releases the colon, helps with the removal of toxins
- Bridge Pose – this backbend pose compresses the digestive organs, increases blood flow to the heart, lengthens digestive organs and releases bloating
- Half Gas Release Pose – this pose stimulates the nerve that helps with bowel movement and alleviates bloating
- Supine Twist – this another twist/compression pose allowing removal of toxins, stimulating the colon.
- Seated Side Twist – this pose massages the central abdomen and compresses intestines for toxin release
- Cobra Pose – This pose is a lengthening pose that both stretches and compresses, allowing stomach acids to release, increase oxygen and blood flow.
For best results, we advise holding these poses for 3-4 complete breathes of inhalation/exhalation. Come into the poses on in inhalation. Release the poses on an exhalation. Return to neutral spine and rest for 10-15 seconds between sets. Do 3-4 times(set) each pose.
Let’s Meet Susy Lembong.
FYFG had a wonderful interview with Susy. She has been Coach Bunny’s yoga teacher in Jakarta over the last 3 years. Susy is one of the few yoga teachers of Jivamukti Yoga, in Jakarta, Indonesia. However, she was not a yoga teacher from the start. She first began as a Zumba instructor for 7 years, certified in the UK. In fact, she had one of the few owner-run Zumba studios in Singapore.
However, she continued to experience injuries, which led her to seek alternative healing. Yoga for Susy sounded ‘slow’ for her taste, but she knew she had to seek something to help improve her condition. After much thought and with a supportive family, she took on the practice and continued on to be a certified Jivamukti yoga instructor.
Let’s watch her FIERCE story here and how she has evolved. She shares with us the benefits yoga has on gut health.
Fierce is…
“Fierce is… being a woman, especially after you get married and you have children.. you have to be fierce to yourself, to be able to take care of yourself..” Susy’s role model is her mum, who was born with a heart illness yet remained active and healthy through her short-lived life. “The biggest wealth in our life is our health… I have to be strong, keep moving and stay alive… for my children.” – Susy Lembong
Imagine If
We truly enjoyed learning from Susy her FIERCE life story. And like Susy, who has found healing for herself through Yoga, spend just 15 minutes a day of these simple yoga poses we introduced here, imagine your day with renewed FIERCE energy, focus and calm as a result of practicing yoga and yoga stretches every day, with less bloating, acidity and stomach cramping? Wouldn’t that be FIERCE?