The Gifts of The Season

*This special article has been written by Gelsie R.Tacata, our Mindset Coach here at FindYourFierceGlobal. Taking on the next 10 Days Till Christmas, she has prepared a wonderful piece about Goodness, Generosity, and Gratitude.. Gifts of the Season.

‘Tis the season of gifts!

Let us begin by appreciating the presents this year has given us.

December marks the turning point between seasons and between years. With the holidays upon us comes moments to reflect on. It is time to wrap up the year.

Looking back into 2021 may still leave us shaking our heads.                  

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt lives and wreak havoc around the world. It has made deep cuts in the livelihood of many and brings an intense longing for the people we love and those we lost.  Travel restrictions are still in place which makes it harder to continue long-held traditions of the season. Inasmuch as there is heaviness in our hearts, let us allow more time to count the things that are still going right.



What’s the best gift you’ve received?

It may be hard to imagine anything good that could have come out of this pandemic. Yet, when consciously sought we may just be able to find the silver lining from the cracks of chaos and confusion we are currently in.


What have you come to value more now?  

More quiet time to pause and reflect.

More hobbies and interests developed.

More meaningful connections and relationships.

More awareness for self-care, wellness, and well-being.

More learning and discovery.

More clarity in life’s purpose.

Yes, there are more things to add on. It is up to you to make your own list of good things. Becoming more mindful of the goodness you have received helps make receiving these gifts even sweeter.

 And as it is sweeter to receive, there is also much joy in giving back. Unwrapping our gifts opens up more opportunities for us to be a blessing for others. Be a blessing through joyful giving.

Celebrate Acts of GENEROSITY.

What is the “perfect” gift you can give?

When we extend generosity to others, we give part of ourselves. By doing good and being generous with our own gifts, we share the best of ourselves. Staying true to who we are and accepting our own beautiful imperfections make our gifts perfect.

What gifts do you have that you would want to give others?

What drives you to give selflessly?

Do you give out of a sense of obligation?

Or do you give freely and from the heart?

Thoughtfully consider how best to use your own gifts. Be a gifted giver so you may pay it forward to others who would joyfully receive your blessings and find reasons for celebration.

After we have made celebrations of our own small little acts of generosity and the collection of goodness received, being grateful helps us to move forward and usher in the new year.


Cultivate GRATITUDE.

What can you do to cultivate gratitude?

Life in a lockdown can be stressful, lonely, and frustrating. As the holidays allow us to take a step back and reflect on the goodness and generosity from the past year, cultivating gratitude helps us become more resilient, less lonely, and be more content with life. No, it doesn’t mean that we totally disregard life’s difficulties. Instead, being grateful gives us a lifeline to overcome adversities and create a balance by remembering what brings joy and meaning in life.


Finally, as gifts are being exchanged, include a wish for hope, love, joy, and peace to the recipients of our gifts. And never forget, pray a thoughtful thank-you note to the GIVER because the gifts of the season, and all seasons, come from HIM.

 Watch out for our daily posts on our IG for journal prompts and inspiration, beginning Dec 16 till Dec 25: Gifts of the Season.. 10Days Till Christmas.

Wishing everyone the best of the holidays and a joyful, hope-filled new year!


Did you find this article helpful? We did because we believe that a woman’s mental well-being is as important as her physical well-being. Take time to go back to this article, pause, and reflect on the questions asked here. We know this will be helpful in finding peace and gratitude, truly gifts of the Season.

If you want to know more about how FYFG Programs guide women through their wellness journey, inquire or book a free session with the coaches.



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  • Board Certified Anesthesiologist
  • Self-trained, Pre-Diabetes and Type-2 Diabetes Reversal Nutrition Coach
  • Functional Nutritional Coach, in training.
  • Co-Founder, TMB Wellness
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